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TMEP Leads Two Workshops at Assembly Show South 2024

TMEP at assembly show south May 2024

The Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership program delivered two sessions at the annual Assembly Show-South held recently in Nashville, TN on April 30-May 2. Tim Waldo, Workforce Consultant, and Danny Norman, Advanced Manufacturing Consultant, presented two Workshops. 

The first was titled “I4.0 and a Culture of Innovation.” This session provided guidance for manufacturers to integrate I4.0 and workforce initiatives by showing live demonstrations to help better understand the core principles of I4.0 and actionable tools to help the workforce begin the journey together. 

assembly show south

The second session entitled “The Optimized People Development System” where a leadership framework was presented that focuses on continuous improvement for an organization's internal workforce processes utilizing systems thinking, applying lean concepts, and promoting the growth of a learning organization. Of course, these same concepts can be discussed with you and your plant leadership team to see if these might be a good fit in your plant. Contact us today to schedule a review.
assembly show south TMEP team

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