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Tooling U-SME Online Training

Building a Capable and Inspired Workforce

Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership (TMEP) supports several intensive training programs for organizations that train employees in a variety of manufacturing-based careers. Tooling U-SME is our online course offering. We advance the next generation by supporting your organizational effectiveness with an expert team of skilled employees through employee development.

Measurable results, that’s the Tooling U-SME advantage. Take your training to the next level with Tooling U-SME. Tap into the highest level of expertise in workforce development for your training needs. TMEP works onsite with your human resources, management, and front-line team members to develop a business case for a training and development program, determine gaps in performance, and build a training strategy that delivers measurable ROI. 

Accelerate Competency
Tooling U-SME’s classes offer a quick-start pathway to learning—from students and new hires to incumbent employees looking to advance their careers.

Deliver Industry-driven Curriculum
Our best-in-class content—from fundamentals to advanced—has been developed with and validated by industry experts.

Provide Flexible Delivery Options
We have a decades-long tradition of harnessing technology to advance manufacturing training. You can deliver training 24/7 to any device desktop, tablet, or phone.

Easy Reporting and Administration
Our comprehensive approach makes learning easy to access and easy to administer. Use our Learning Management System (LMS) or yours and easily track a learner progress. We have seamlessly integrated into hundreds of LMS systems.


Contact your local Solutions Consultant for a no cost customized full access trial account.


Listen to our recent podcast episode about Tooling U-SME HERE.

Get started today!

  1. Contact your local Solutions Consultant
  2. Set up a no cost customized full access trial account