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workforce development in Tennessee

Our workforce consultants have been in leadership roles and experienced the same challenges of being overwhelmed and understaffed. For decades, Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership  clients have reported positive results from our workforce development solutions.

The Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership (TMEP) program helps you build strong leaders that can coach their teams and engaged employees that want to stay and grow with your company. No matter what workforce challenge is your top priority, our experts can guide you to a tailored solution that activates an optimized and engaged workplace.

Supervisor Development. TMEP’s Supervisor and Leadership Development Programs are more than just training; they are a transformative journey designed to build the next generation of leaders.  Learn More >

Manufacturing Skills for Success. Accelerate your manufacturing career with TMEP's Manufacturing Skills for Success certificate program: A key to mastering industry-relevant skills and techniques. Learn More>

Optimized People Development Systems. In an ever-evolving business world, the organizations that stand out are those that recognize and harness the power of human potential. The TMEP Optimized People Development Systems isn't just another training program—it's a transformative journey. Learn More>

Tooling U SME Online Training. Tooling U SME is our online course offering. We advance the next generation by supporting your organizational effectiveness with an expert team of skilled employees through employee development. Learn more>

Tennessee manufacturing leaders consistently tell us they are experiencing difficulty hiring and retaining skilled workers leading to inconsistent staffing levels, high employee turnover, excessive overtime, and unhappy customers. Drawing from experience with companies across the state, Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership (TMEP) can coach you in deploying systems and skills to improve leadership and people development; resulting in a fully-staffed and motivated workforce.

Our approach to workforce development is holistic and dynamic, focusing not just on skill enhancement but on cultivating a workforce that is resilient, innovative, and aligned with your business vision. We understand that each organization is unique, and so are its development needs.

Whether it’s upskilling for a digital future, refining leadership abilities, or building a culture of continuous improvement, our programs are designed to meet these needs head-on. Partner with us to transform your workforce into your greatest asset, driving your business towards unprecedented growth and success.


Get started today!

1. Contact a Solutions Consultant to discuss your workforce challenges.
2. Together we will create a people development plan to meet your goals.
3. We will help Implement the plan so that you sustain long-term success.