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Manufacturing Skills for Success

As a manufacturer, the skill level of your workforce directly impacts your operational efficiency, product quality, and ability to innovate. Failing to enhance these skills can significantly affect your competitiveness and market position.

For individuals eyeing a career in manufacturing, lacking essential skills can be a major roadblock to entering the industry and advancing professionally. Engaging in programs like TMEP’s Manufacturing Skills for Success is vital for both parties: it equips your team with the necessary capabilities to meet evolving industry demands and offers individuals the training needed to start and grow in a dynamic manufacturing career.

At TMEP, we understand the evolving needs of today's manufacturers and are committed to addressing them. Our Manufacturing Skills for Success program is a direct response to the feedback and requirements expressed by manufacturing organizations. We've tailored this program to not only equip individuals with vital manufacturing skills but also to align closely with the industry's current demands. 

Tennessee Manufacturing Extension Partnership (TMEP)’s Manufacturing Skills for Success certificate program provides a robust foundation for those aspiring to excel in the manufacturing industry. It addresses the skill gaps prevalent in the sector by offering a blend of technical and soft skills training. This program not only enhances individual skills but also contributes significantly to elevating the overall standards and efficiency within the manufacturing industry.

The Manufacturing Skills for Success program consists of 10 eight hour training workshops. These can be taught on site at your location and are also delivered as public workshops throughout the state. Participates receive a University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services certificate of training completion and a lifetime 10 Hour OSHA General Industry safety card. Topics covered include:

  1. Workplace Skills. Learn how to be a valued employee and how to work effectively with others.
  2. Print Reading for Manufacturing. Learn to read and interpret engineering prints used in manufacturing.
  3. Measurement for Manufacturing. Learn to use a variety of measurement tools commonly used in manufacturing, including calipers, gauge blocks, and comparators.
  4. Quality Tools & Techniques. Learn what quality is, why it is important, and the basic quality tools organizations use to monitor and improve process quality.
  5. Problem-Solving & Root Cause Analysis. Learn and implement the Plan-Do-Check-Act problem-solving method to solve a simulated problem in a manufacturing environment.
  6. 5S System. Learn the concepts of the 5S system and then apply them to transform a cluttered, disorganized production area into a clean, orderly, and efficient workplace.
  7. Math for Manufacturing. Learn or review basic math skills used in a manufacturing environment.
  8. Principles of Lean Manufacturing. Learn the basics of lean manufacturing and how it can improve a manufacturing operation through a fast-paced, hands-on simulation.
  9. OSHA 10-Hour - General Industry. Learn how to stay safe at work in a manufacturing environment and obtain your OSHA 10 card.
  10. Effective Communication & Critical Thinking. Learn key skills needed to clearly and effectively send and receive messages; learn and practice critical thinking skills through situations related to the workplace.

Get started today!

  1. Contact a Solutions Consultant to discuss your manufacturing workforce opportunities or challenges.
  2. Together we will create a specific plan to accomplish your goals.
  3. We will work with you to implement an appropriate training program.