The American Job Centers of East Tennessee have direct access to employers in the area who are actively seeking to hire many individuals. Please browse through the options below to discover new resources. Click on any of the boxes below to get started!
For information about local services, please contact your Local American Job Center:
Maryville American Job Center (Blount, Loudon, and Monroe) Email: |
Knoxville American Job Center (Anderson, Campbell, Knox, Morgan, Roane, Scott and Union) |
Morristown American Job Center (Claiborne, Grainger, Hamblen, and Jefferson) Email: Phone: 423.317.1060 |
Sevierville American Job Center (Cocke and Sevier) Email: Phone: 865.286.6384 |
Jobs4TN -
TN Labor & Workforce Development -
Virtual AJC -
Jobs4TN En Espanol -
TN Disability Pathfinder -
Career One Stop -
THEC County Profiles -
Adult Education, as part of the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act (WIOA), provides services to adults to build the knowledge and skills necessary for high school equivalency (HiSET), employment, post-secondary opportunities, and economic self-sustainability.
The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR) provides a variety of person-centered and individualized services to persons with disabilities in preparation for their employment in the competitive labor market. VR advocates employment outcomes for customers that are consistent with their individual strengths, resources, abilities, capabilities and informed choice.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is a temporary Workforce Development and Employment Program. This program focuses on gaining self-sufficiency through employment. It also helps participants reach this goal by providing transportation, childcare assistance, education, job training, employment activities, and other support services if eligible.
- Apply for Families First
- Apply for SNAP Benefits
- ETHRA SCSEP/Senior Employment
- KNOX CAC SCSEP/Senior Employment
Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, eligible individuals receive help accessing full-time employment to succeed in the labor market. Individualized services and training, if determined necessary, may be recommended to individuals seeking occupations in demand. Work First - Up to 90 days before and/or 60 days after employment, eligible job seekers may receive assistance with transportation, clothing/shoes/boots, tools, childcare, and more.
Our mission is to advance economic opportunity by providing the tools they need to reach their goals. We help individuals of all ages by offering financial education, one-on-one coaching, courses on credit score improvement, as well as pathways toward homeownership and starting a business.
Navigating the child support system while looking for a job and establishing a healthy and strong relationship with their children is difficult for some parents. TCSEPP works closely with partnering agencies to provide non-custodial parents (NCPs) the help they need to overcome barriers in life.
The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) assists low-income first-generation participants to complete secondary school requirements and enroll in postsecondary education programs.
Re-Employment Services and Eligibility Assessments | A program for selected Unemployment Insurance (UI) claimants that includes an in-person review of the claimant’s eligibility for UI and a personalized job-search, along with other re-employment assistance.
A Federal Program that provides aid to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of increased imports.
Provides Employment and/or Training opportunities for individuals who are determined eligible by the Department of Human Services for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as “food stamps”).
Receive priority of service in all programs. Provide intensive services for veterans with significant barriers to employment.
To improve the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families, the MSFW program provides the following assistance:
- Complaint resolution
- Counseling
- Farmworker rights and labor law information
- Job development
- Job search assistance and placement
- Referrals to other organizations that serve migrant and seasonal farmworkers
- Referrals to supportive services
- Registration assistance
- Testing
- Training opportunities
Learn More about Moving Forward Reentry Resources
Learn More about the TN Office of Reentry
WIOA Youth serves eligible participants who are 14-24 years of age facing specific barriers to employment or school completion. WIOA places a priority on serving out-of-school youth by providing work-based experience and improving services to youth with disabilities. WIOA promotes career pathways, increased attainment of recognized credentials and post-secondary certificates or degrees. Youth must meet eligibility requirements to participate in the WIOA Title I Youth Program.
Specialized job services for beneficiaries of SSI and/or SSDI, looking to re-enter the workforce after the onset of a disability.
Program for young adults ages 16-24 designed to connect each participant with the skills and education needed to get the career they want.
The AJCs host hiring events, resource fairs, mobile job coaching, resume writing workshops, One Stop Re-entry shops and more throughout the year across 16 counties in East Tennessee. If you are interested in attending any of these free events, please visit our Events page. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram to get notifications of upcoming events!
There are several different ways to access East Tennessee American Job Centers services.
+ Comprehensive centers have representatives that can enroll you in any program. These are full service sites.
+ Affiliate centers have all of the core programs represented, but sometimes may have to refer you to another center if you need something specific.
+ Specialized centers are centers that focus on serving specific populations (like veterans or youth). However, that doesn't mean they will turn you away if you aren't in that "special" population. If you're worried that might not be the right center for you, call before you go and make sure there's someone there that can help you.
+ Access points are places that have computer access and other resources to help you learn more about American Job Centers.
+ The Virtual American Job Center can help you match with and explore American Job Center services in Tennessee. Visit the Virtual American Job Center website.
+ Mobile American Job Centers are staffed with friendly Career Specialists that can provide assistance to job seekers with job searching, resumes, interviewing, as well as providing information about training/education opportunities. Mobile AJCs help bring job-seeking resources to locations and individuals that may have barriers preventing them from visiting an AJC office location.